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UbiGro Greenhouse Cover FAQs

UbiGro Greenhouse Cover FAQs

Discover the science behind the orange glow of UbiGro Cover and its role in enhancing photosynthesis. Learn about optimal usage in double-wall poly greenhouses and why UbiGro is a safe choice with its exclusive non-toxic Quantum Dots. UbiGro’s greenhouse covering material is at the forefront of agriculture technology, using red-shifting quantum dots to optimize sunlight. This blog post uncovers our most asked questions about UbiGro Covers.

Are there any special requirements for installing UbiGro Cover?

No. UbiGro Cover will install exactly like you would any other greenhouse cover. Whether you require a single layer poly for a hoop house or double-wall poly configuration, your UbiGro Cover installation follows the same process as any other greenhouse covering material. If you would like some help with your UbiGro Cover installation, feel free to reach out to our team. We’d be happy to help with your installation.

Why is UbiGro Cover orange?

UbiGro Greenhouse Cover FAQs

UbiGro appears orange to the human eye because it is glowing with a peak color of 600 nm. This is the most efficient color within PAR for photosynthesis and is the foundation of all UbiGro products. UbiGro Cover, a leading greenhouse covering material, is more than just a protection for your crop; it is actually a layer of light powered by the sun that is glowing over your crop. The glow comes from capturing UV and some blue photons and converting these to efficient red light that powers photosynthesis. For more information on Plant Photobiology, greenhouse poly film, and how color affects plant growth check out our technology page.


With a double-wall poly greenhouse, should UbiGro cover be the inside layer, outside layer or both?

UbiGro Greenhouse Cover FAQs

While using UbiGro Cover as both layers of a double-wall system could possibly be great, we recommend using it as one layer in a double system. UbiGro can be used as either the inner or outer layer and is built to last in both environments. Utilizing the best greenhouse covering material, such as UbiGro, optimizes your greenhouse poly film’s effectiveness.

Deciding whether to use the UbiGro Cover in your greenhouses as an inside or outside layer can depend on many factors like:

  • Does the other layer contain UV blocker or IR? 
  • Location can also be a factor depending on northern or southern locale or even altitude. 

If you have questions about your farm and what will be the best solution for you, the UbiGro team can help advise what is best for your greenhouse.

If UbiGro Cover were to rip or fall onto my crop, can the quantum dots in the poly be dangerous to my crop or staff?

Absolutely not! The Quantum Dots used by UbiGro are from UbiQD’s exclusive license to produce safe, non-toxic QDs made with copper, zinc, and sulfur. These QDs are embedded into the polymer where they are protected from the elements and perfectly safe. Check out our Nobel Prize in Chemistry for our quantum dot greenhouse technology.

UbiGro Greenhouse Cover FAQsWhere is UbiGro Cover sold?

UbiGro has a team of sales people across the US. Click HERE to have a sales representative reach out to you directly. Currently, UbiGro cover, a top greenhouse covering material, is manufactured in the US for sales across all of North America and can be shipped overseas for any potential international partners. UbiGro is working to partner with international greenhouse poly film and best greenhouse covering manufacturers to make UbiGro Cover and film available around the world.

Looking to learn more about other sustainable greenhouse practices and greenhouse covers? Talk to one of our greenhouse experts today!

UbiGro Greenhouse Cover FAQs

Dr. Damon Hebert

Dr. Damon Hebert serves as Director of Agriculture Research for UbiQD, Inc., with a background in solar materials and controlled environment cannabis cultivation. He is an advocate for the use of advanced materials to further the industry’s push towards sustainable farming practices. He can be reached at [email protected].


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