From Farm to Table: Quantum Dots that Do It All
September 24, 2020
Q&A: Nanosys, UbiQD Bring Quantum Dots to Agriculture
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Q&A: Nanosys, UbiQD Bring Quantum Dots to Agriculture
Quantum dots (QD) are making headway in numerous fields, most notably TVs and displays. There has been talk about using QD for agriculture, as the ability to use specific wavelengths can enhance growth. It is a sizable market: The greenhouse cover film market is estimated to be more than 50 billion square feet globally or 20 times more area than the display industry. In May 2020, UbiQD, Inc., a specialist in advanced materials for a range of fields including agriculture, and Nanosys, Inc., a QD leader, announced their partnership on UbiGro® luminescent greenhouse films. Consumer electronics brands have shipped more than 20 million devices from tablets to monitors and TVs base.