From Farm to Table: Quantum Dots that Do It All
Q&A: Nanosys, UbiQD Bring Quantum Dots to Agriculture
Greenhouse Technology Boosts Crop Yields Up To 20%
Layer Of Light Helps Plants Get More From The Sun
Hello Tomorrow Deep Tech Finalist
Cannabis Today Podcast – Steve Blank
Harvesting Of Red Light Accelerates Plant Growth
Frost & Sullivan Best Practice Award
Technological Advances Help Optimize Greenhouse Sunlight
10 Killer Agricultural Technologies
Photosynthetically Efficient Colors for Crop Growth and Biomass Accumulation
UbiGro helps growers boost crop yields by providing the best sunlight environment – more orange and red light for enhanced crop growth – without using electricity. UbiGro is a passive solar product utilizing advanced nano technologies and luminescent films.
UbiQD is a nanotechnology company based in Los Alamos, New Mexico that manufactures safe, high-performance, quantum dots and greenhouse materials. Licensing technology developed at Los Alamos National Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the University of Washington, and Western Washington University, UbiQD envisions a future where quantum dots are ubiquitous in a wide spectrum of applications, including farm tech greenhouses.
I am currently serving as Head of Marketing, focusing on the deployment of our agricultural greenhouse product, UbiGro, into commercial and research greenhouses across the globe.
What is the UbiGro technology, and how does it work?
UbiGro is a luminescent greenhouse film that converts a portion of the UV, blue and green parts of the sun’s spectrum into orange and red colors. Because orange and red are more photosynthetically efficient colors for crop growth and biomass accumulation, the films help provide the ideal lighting environment for flowering crops using only sunlight. Unlike a filter, which blocks certain colors and transmits others, UbiGro films convert from one color to another, conserving overall light intensity as much as possible. The films are infused with our proprietary quantum dots – tiny nanoparticles that efficiently convert colors of light using advanced nano technologies. The films are retrofitted – they go up on the interior of a farm tech greenhouse and work under any greenhouse material, and can work in conjunction with supplemental lighting.